Credit Courses
Biblical Hebrew & Jewish Thought
Introduction to Jewish Liturgy
The Loudest Silent Years in History
Introduction to Talmud and Midrash
From Jesus to Yeshua
The B’esorah according to Avraham
The Three Z's : Zehut, Ziruz, Zechut
Elective Courses
At least 4 courses must be completed
Parashat HaShavuah
Weekly Torah classes archived by Parasha
Chagim V'Moadim
Specific course full of teachings for the festivals
Q & A with the Rabbis
Practical database of Q&A with the Rabbis
Regah B'ivirt
Weekly Torah classes archived by Parasha
Sefer HaGeulah
Introduction to Ramban’s work
Ohel of Avraham
The body of Messiah’s identity related to the covenant of Israel
Path of the Ger
Learn the difference between the law for the native & the sojourner
God's Healing Code
Practical Biblical solutions to reduce weight & improve health