Pastor Raul Rubio and his wife Viviana Valbuena founded the Yovel Messianic Foundation in Bogota, Colombia. They are happily married and raising two beautiful children, Yahel and Yaron.
Pastor Raul was born in Bogota 44 years ago, and knew salvation in Yeshua from a very young age. He studied law at the Universidad Libre in Bogota and worked for 10 years in the banking system in Colombia.
Before committing to his pastoral calling, Pastor Rubio led youth groups in a Christian church in Bogota. In October 1999, he retired to begin his foundation, with the support of Viviana’s family and his own. A year later, walking on two biblical passages, Matthew 5:17-19 and Isaiah 42, he was so motivated by his love and interest in the Jewish roots of our faith and the Jewish people that he moved Sunday services to Saturday.